Spending time with my Daddy now is becoming harder. He can't remember anything, but he wants to argue about everything. His arguments are full of venom and mean looks and let me tell you, that is not the way MY Dad was--I have to keep reminding myself this is some alien who has taken over and now resides inside my Dad's body. What's so ironic is that he argues in error.
He will be moving in with me tomorrow or Tuesday. The auctioneer is coming to price things and ready them for the auction next Saturday. I can't even imagine my Momma's beautiful things out on the lawn with strangers rummaging through them, especially her chicken and doll collections. I keep reminding myself, "They're just things. The people cannot buy your memories," and when I get like Daddy, I can make my own memories!
With all that I have going on, I was invited to go out on my friend's boat yesterday and, of course, I chose play over housework. We went up into an inlet to eat supper and a storm came up, as they do on the ocean, rather quickly. We pulled anchor and as we were leaving we saw two kayakers ambling their way to their boat. Now this storm I am talking about was full of wind, heavy rain and lightening, but they were taking their sweet time getting back to their kayak. Just as we pulled to the mouth of the inlet to enter the waterway, the bottom fell out. You could barely see your hand in front of yur face. Lightening was hitting all around us in the water, Believe me, we were hoofin' it as fast as that boat could take us.
I thought about how much like Christians the whole scenario was turning out to be. One person sees God's movement and turns immediately to act. He/she moves when God moves. The kayakers represent other Christians who see God moving, but for some reason they aren't in any hurry to join Him. Maybe they're waiting to see exactly what He's going to do before they join HIm. It might be something they don't really want to do. Maybe they think He will by-pass them and not ask them to join HIm.
Then, when they finally decide God is moving in such a big way, maybe they will move into action afterall, sometimes they're overwhelmed by it all. Their journey becomes fraught with anxiety and fear because the movement of God is causing giant swells of unrest among the world and it scares these Christians. They begin to blame God for events in their lives when all the time if they had moved when God first moved they could have foreseen a bit about what might happen and prepare themselves.
We should always be willing to move when God tells us to move. We should never question whether He is right or if it's something we think we might like to do. If He is moving and showing us signs that we need to be in on this or that thing, then we need to jump in--even if we have to go feet first holding our nose.
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Father, I lift up Jesus Girl to you right now and I pray for endurance for her to run this race set before her. Father show her your enduring love through it! I pray for lucid times of wonderful fellowship between her and her dad. Father let your love flow from her and let it touch her Dad in the state that he is in. Father I pray for much comfort, peace and an overflow of grace for her now in Jesus name, Amen!
Yes, Lord, I lift up Jesus Girl to You and ask for an outpouring of Your Mercy on her and her family. Thank You for giving her a minister's heart, ministering to those who's life she touches. Bless her. I pray that her father would be at peace in this new life.
Give them both a comforting cover, a cushion on their hearts and emotions as they share "mom's" treasures with new homes. I pray that You would allow them both glimpses of Your divine care during this time. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I am praying.
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