
Take Yourself to the Throne

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, He is still in the business of answering prayers! Isn't it wonderful to know we have given our hearts and lives to a God Who wants us to ask Him for things? He delights in giving us what we ask for! How awesome is that? We don't have to kill others to be considered worthy. We don't have to perform a certain amount of ritual, pray a certain amount of prayer, be good enough by doing works--we just have to humble ourselves and go to Him with boldness and confidence carrying nothing more than faith in His Son, Jesus!

My friend and soul-mate just had surgery Tuesday. And, Blessing-Giver that He is, God saw fit to heal her. She has had a miraculous recovery. It's awesome to pray and then see that, yes, God is listening, waiting for our petitions and willing, nay, wanting, to answer. It blows my mind!

Can you imagine? God, Who sits on the Throne, desires you to come and talk to Him, tells you to ask Him for things, sings over you? This is the same God Who created the earth, the stars, the universe and Was before time ever began? We cannot truly imagine what transcending time means--we can say it and know the definition, but we can't know what it's like--we just can't imagine not being under the gun of time, but God can because He is! And yet, He created us, He wants fellowship with us, He beckons us, humans who live and breathe by the constraints of time. I can scarce take it in!

Take the time today to go to Him. Tell Him how much you love Him. Tell Him how much you need Him. Tell Him you appreciate Him. Tell Him with a thankful heart. Show Him with an obedient life. Delight Him with a repentant soul.

Glory to God in the Highest!

1 comment:

Darla said...

Seems like God was talking about some of the same things this morning to you and me! I just thought I would check in on you, and love love love your post..

HE does desire relationship with us, and HE does give us the desires of our hearts...sometimes HE gives it and I just don't get it right away...what HE gives tops anything i can ask for!

Sorry you didn't know what LOL was...Just throw me a big ???? and I will try to explain myself. Love Darla