
Consider It All Joy!

I get it! I finally get it--well, at least partially. I understand now what James is talking about when he says, "Consider it all joy." The suffering, the trials, the persecution, the sorrow--whatever it is, if we allow Him to work in us, those things all bring us to a greater knowledge of Christ. We depend on Him for every breath, every move. We cry in our pillows at night, we wrestle with fatigue, we curse the pain, and yet, when all is said and done, we realize without Him we could not have made it.

I know it sounds weird, and don't get me wrong, the junk we go through is painful and grievous and scary, but when it drives us to the waiting arms of our Savior, when we come to depend solely on Him and then, we become self-confident, not in ourselves, but what we realize Christ can do through us, then it is sheer joy.

My Daddy can't remember my name anymore. He still recognizes me as his daughter, I think, but he can't say my name. I'm weary from the constant explaining, the strain of taking care of two households, yada, yada, yada, but it's truly a joy! I am solely dependent on my Savior and with that dependence comes a new me, a new confidence, a new awakening that has me dancing in the streets!

I am living out the Living Word. It has scraped scales off my eyes with its edges and I can see that, indeed, to suffer, to have trials is joy because it brings me closer to Him! There is no sacrifice too great. What a privilege to serve my God. I am humbled to be labeled with His name--Christian.

Thank You, Jesus, for giving me the opportunity to see You better, whatever the means You choose, You know best. You are trustworthy. I consider it all joy!


Unknown said...

Hi Siesta!
I asked another blog siesta how to do the blog roll and it was very easy...I copied her directions here for you!

1) Within your own blog that you've already signed in to, in the top right hand corner, click on 'customize'
2) It should then take you to a basic template of your blog design that says something like "Add and Arrange Page Elements" in bold near the top. If you don't see this page, email me back and we'll restart from another phase. If so, good deal! :)
3) Your blog template should have the option to 'Add a Page Element' for you to click on. (It kind of depends on which template you chose, but I can pretty much assure you your's has this from looking at it). It should be similar to the way you added photos on it.
4) Once you click on that, you have the option to add a 'Links List' - so you just click on that and add whatever you want. You'll just enter the person's website address and how you want to name it.
Have FUN!

charlestonyaya said...

Hello Southern Siesta!! Thanks for your kind words!! Love your blogging - now I want to read the book! I have just lived through 8 years of being the "sandwiched" daughter-in-law - but I can honestly tell you that I COULD count it all joy - even in the worst, grossest moments imaginable. God gave me grace, but more especially he gave my beautiful MIL grace beyond measure to allow me to care for her. Now - what part of NC are you in - my daughter and son-in-law just moved to NC, and our first grandchild is on the way!! Blessings, Kathy

charlestonyaya said...

OK - SIL is a marine aviator at CL, Kaiti is a TV journalist/reporter, teaching 8th grade history and lit, not far from the coast either!! When SIL deploys right after the baby is born, we will be between NC and Florida all of the time..KB

a said...

Wow what a meaningfull post, It is lovely to find such confidence in the Lord durring such difficult times. You are amazing.

Jesus Girl said...

Thank you for such sweet words, however, I must disagree. I am not amazing, but He, indeed is.

charlestonyaya said...

Jacksonville it is!! She teaches at a middle school in town. My son-in-law is a pilot of the "new" Osprey - set to be put into action in the fall. He will leave for 7 -8 months next Feb - right after the baby is born. This is a very small world - is that close to you??