
Celebrate a Free Country and a Free Soul--Today!

Well, Praise the LORD! We signed the contract on Daddy's house night before last. The closing is July 30th. He has to be out by July 15th so the auctioneer can come in and ready the estate for sale. As God would have it, I will be out of town the only date that was open for the sale and that's good, because even talking to the guy today made me cry and get very upset. I know Momma is enjoying every second of Heaven, but I'm not enjoying every second I miss her. I just cannot imagine her things being sold and whisked away by strangers. God knew I would feel this way so He had it all worked out I would be at The Cove for an evening with Travis Cottrell--only my very favorite worship leaders!!

I've packed a few pictures and I'm getting the last of what I want from Momma's house before the auction. But, just to keep me grounded, the water heater burst so I had to get that taken care of. I know nothing about these things--I've always had a Daddy or husband who did all that, but I'm now learning. (Again, my brilliant brother had lots of knowledge about such things so he led me step by step over the phone through what I should do). I know there is a good reason for it, too--just don't know yet what that is.

July Fourth is today. How blessed we are to live in a free country. In this day and time, there are so many who want to do nothing but tear this country apart and it breaks my heart. A little respect, People, a little respect.

Daddy just called to tell me he had good nws news. "The water heater's not broken. Somebody used the hose and that's what was leaking. The heater's as dry as a bone!"

Bless his heart he was so excited. I had to burst his bubble. "No, Daddy. I pulled the hose out myself and hooked it to the heater to drain it, but it was already empty. Your water heater is shot."

Disheartened, "Oh, I thought I had good news."

He does have Good News, but not about the water heater. He's going to Heaven when he stops breathing Earth's oxygen! Glory! That's really Good News! He's going to meet the King of Kings and The Lord of Lords face-to-face! He's going to see Moses, Abraham, Paul, David, Mary, Noah, Joseph, and Momma! Good News, indeed.

I pray each one of you who reads this blog knows the Saviour, personally. I pray you have asked Him to forgive you of your sins. I pray You have asked Him to be your Lord and Master. All it takes is to believe in your heart Jesus died on the cross for your sins, rose again on the third day and lives in Heaven now at the right hand of the Father, and confess it with your mouth. Easy, painless and with huge dividends. No greater return anywhere or with anything on earth. I urge you, take these steps today. What better day than the day our nation celebrates its freedom. You, too, will have a special reason to celebrate your own freedom. A freedom in Christ that money can't buy nor any country give you. It's a freedom that comes from having a persoanl relationship with the Living God.

Happy Fourth of July!

Check this out: http://sagebrushpatriot.com/america.htm

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