
Tagged: What I "dig" about Jesus

I have been "tagged" by one of my blog Siestas, Darla, to tell five things I "dig" about Jesus. WOW! It's gonna be hard to keep this list to five.

1) I "dig" the way He always hung out with the "out" crowd instead of the "in" crowd. He touched the unclean. He talked to women. He asked a tax collector--a shunned group--to work alongside Him as His disciple. He is a Man for the underdog.

2) I "dig" His self-confidence. He knew Who He was and where He was going. He kept His eyes on the Plan. He never wavered. He never waffled. He never made excuses. He was Who He was and that was it. No need to say more. I like that.

3) I "dig" His respect for His earthly parents. He learned His father's trade as a carpenter. He turned water into wine for His mother. While dying on the cross, He made sure His mother was taken care of by someone He knew could be trusted.

4) I "dig"the way He is coming back one day as The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I just love a great ending and this one will be the best, complete with the white horse! I love that. He will be back to rescue His damsel in distress (the church). And, I love the entrance. Every great drama has a grand entrance. To pierce the clouds and have the trumpets blasting! WOW!

5) And last, but definitely not least, I "dig" that He has paid my way to Heaven. He is the ultimate in love and sacrifice, and, well, that's cool.

I have to go find someone to tag. I'll add names later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello! I think I am supposed to make a entry of the five things I dig about Jesus, right?! LOL OK.... Here goes! If I copy what you said it's not because I am cheating... I AGREE!!