
Be Impressed with God

I'm impressed with God. No, really. I'm impressed. I think about His love for us. He is the Almighty. He created everything, yet He doesn't condider it "lowering Himself" to love us--He loves us because He considers us lovely.

It doesn't matter how educated or not, how poor or rich how outwardly beautiful or not, how refined or lacking in social etiquette. He loves and He can't help it. It's His nature. He loves us because, well, He loves us.

He wants us to succeed. He does all He can to help us choose correctly, but He doesn't coerce us or use us as puppets. He lets us make mistakes, then He uses our bad choices to teach us. Sometimes He picks us up. Sometimes He lets us struggle with the process of picking our own selves up from the mire. He dusts us off once we're up, maybe even have to wash our face if we wallowed a long time, and sets us on our way again, headed in the right direction on the right path.

This brings me to another point. I'm impressed with His patience. I'm always impressed with patience. Some people have a bent for wondering off the path every few feet, that would be me, but He is always just as patient as the first time. Waiting for us to admit we've taken a wrong turn, dusting us off and setting us back on course. He could easily say , "It would just be quicker if I did it myself," but he doesn't.

I'm impressed that He allows those who oppose Him, who don't believe in Him to live, to prosper. I don't even like to be around people who oppose me. I know I'm not alone in this. It's why we have different religions and different sects or denominations within those religions. It's why we have political parties. It's why e-harmony exists. It's why we have clubs. I don't think I've ever heard of an Opposites Club. We won't to be around people who believe like we do, who confirm what we believe to be right, who confirm our choices. It's why JFK was assassinated. It's why Paul was persecuted. It's why Jesus was crucified. They were different.

Yet God allows that opposition. He loves that person. He has mercy on them. He lets them say the most ridiculous things about Him. He doesn't zap them into silence. He doesn't try to defend Himself. He doesn't have to. One day, one sad, tragic day those same people will realize what a horrible mistake they made.

I'm impressed by God's abilities to work my bad choices, my failures, my sins to my own good and for His puposes. How many times I have scrapped an idea or plan because of failure. God is the ultimate, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." He can take any failure and turn it around. In fact, He's in the business of refurbishing throw away, used up, failed humans. He can take the worst person you can even imagine and totally use them for good.

Think of Corrie ten Boom. God used Hitler, the Third Reich and the Nazi regime to bring glory and honor to His name. Think of 9/11. God used those attacks to bring glory and honor to His name and turn people to Himself. Think of Paul. He turned that life around from a Christian-killer to pen most of the New Testament. Think of Christ. His plan was to use those Romans and Jews to bring glory and honor to HImself, to turn lives around, to change the world.

I'm impressed with God's willingness to enter into the smallest detail of our lives. He cares about the little stuff--we sometimes don't pay attention to the little things because we're too hurried, too busy, too stressed, too self-consumed, too jaded to notice anymore. But, He never stops noticing, never stops caring. Flowers still bloom every year. Sunsets still grace the western skies, ocean waves still lap the shore. Beauty for us to enjoy.

Ever lose something, ask God to help you find it and He did? Yep! The little things. For ten days I visited my Momma in the hospital. For ten days I always found a parking space within walking distance of the doors. It was awesome. The little things. It has never rained on my daughter's birthday! He cares. "Let the children come."
God impresses me. His vows are trustworthy. His patience endures. His mercies are new every morning. He is faithful. He is kind. He is gentle. His love knows no end.

If money impresses you, all the money is His. If status impresses you, He is the Almighty, the Everlasting God, the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and Omega. If power impresses you, He is omnipotent, all-powerful. If big houses impress you, the earth is His footstool. If good-looks impress you, His beauty is beyond compare. If education impresses you, He is omniscient, all-knowing. If creativity impresses you, He is the Creator of all things.

Be impressed with the One Who deserves to be on a pedestal in your eyes. Worship the One Who deserves our worship. Idolize the One true God. Putting God and humans in the proper perspective will save you a lot of heartache, disappointment and frees you up to accept and love people. It levels the playing field, making us all the same instead of different.


sammie said...

Wow, I was beginning to feel lonely out here, but reading your blog has encouraged me. Thank you! I'm not the only Jesus nut out there. Please continue to write like that.

Jesus Girl said...

Oh, no Dear Friend, we are not alone. Just as Elijah thought he was the only one left who loved and worshipped God and God showed him there were seven thousand people Elijah didn't know about, we, too are surrounded by "nuts." God is raising up a mighty army in these days!

Check out the LPM Blog--you'll be amazed.

Thanks for visitng my blog and saying such nice things. Hope you come again!

Sunshine said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome post! Thanks for laying it out there - WOW talk about glorifying God. Sunshine