
Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? Jesus gives us the answer to that question very directly in Scripture. In the book of John, Jesus says He is the Son of God sent to Earth to save man so he would not perish but have everlasting life. In Matthew, Jesus admits to Pontias Pilate He is King of the Jews. In Luke, Jesus testifies He is the Son of God, but He adds more. He states, "...from now on, the Son of God will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God."

That, Friends, is significant. Jesus knew he was getting ready to be crucified. He knew He was going to die. So how, then, could He make such a preposterous claim that from now on He would be seated at God's right hand? Because, Dear Ones, He knew He was going to be resurrected and live forever. Jesus is not dead! Jesus is alive and seated at the Father's right hand, waiting, waiting because He is patient and wants no one to perish, until the Father sends Him back to Earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Jesus is the Messiah. He is God's Son. He is the High Priest. He is the Lamb Who was slain. He is the Savior of the world. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last. He is God. And He is coming back as the Lion of Judah to rule and to reign! Hallelujah!

And, He is the ONLY Way to Heaven. You must believe that He exists. You must believe He died for your sins and yours alone. You must believe He rose again on the third day. You must confess to Him your sinful nature. You have to tell Him you know you can't do enough good to save yourself and get to Heaven by your good works or by being a good person.

When you're willing to do that--then my Friend, you can approach the Throne of God with all confidence. God sees only your clean slate. Jesus paid your entry fee into Heaven by His shed blood and subsequent death on the cross. He Who had no sin, took your place. he carried your sin to the grave and rose agin without them! All you have to do is hold out your hand and let Him place the ticket in your palm. You know what it says?

"Paid in full. Admit one." You're in. Just ask Him to come into your life! That's Who Jesus is.

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