
Love Him with All You've Got!

Sometimes I just get so frustrated with myself. I make my walk with Jesus so much harder than it has to be--so much harder than it's supposed to be. Our walk with Him should be effortless. Why do I make it so complicated? Why do I resist? What is it inside me that can't let go? Has my life up to this point been perfect? NO! Then what's the problem? I know His way is so much better, yet I still do things first in my own strength and then I have to go to Him with my tail between my legs and ask Him to help me get out of the mess and to show me His way. Am I alone in this?

We have been given two basic commands. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second. It's like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. Why is the love walk difficult? I sometimes say, "Well, I love people." But do I?

If I go to Port City Java and spend $5.00 do I put $5.00 away for someone else? If I go buy something at the mall, do I put an equal amount away for someone else? And what about eternal things? I love myself enough to make sure I am saved. Do I do that for my neighbor? Do I even know my neighbor's first and last name? Do I pray for their hurts, their dreams, their salvation?

I make sure I am in church every Sunday. Why? Because I love myself enough to want to obey God and gather with the brethren. I'm afraid of His discipline. Do I love my neighbor enough to at least extend an invitation every week to come to church?

And, do I even follow the first commandment? Do I really love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind? Do I follow hard after Him or is Sunday the best day I have for worship and the other six I just fit Him in? Do I really keep a keen eye out for what I put in my mind? Are even the commercials I watch fit for holiness? Why are we so apt to go to a movie that takes the Lord's name in vain? Even once is once too many. He is our Savior. Are we not denying Him as did Peter when we turn our heads at blasphemy of any kind? How can we tolerate such things?

Do we treat our bodies like the temples they are? I know not! We are very careless with these bodies and then we scream when they break down. How can we? A lifetime of abuse and then we want healing? Christians should be very careful--any kind of abuse or addiction is sin, Friends.

God loves us and He wants the best for us, but we have to decide if we really want the best for ourselves. I'm saved, but is that it? Is that all there is? Am I going to Heaven, but just sliding in with no crowns to lay at His feet? Will all my works be burned up? Will I even have any works?

Why has God left me here? What does He desire of me? What has He gifted me with and am I using it totally for His glory? Am I using it the way He would have me use it? Am I settling? Has He asked me to do things that I have refused to do?

Time is so very short. When the Bible tells us to make the most of every opportunity, it's because God realizes how short our lives are--but a vapor. We don't have the luxury of waste. When He tells us to do something, we best get at it. Has He told you to exercise? Do it! Has He told you to quit smoking? Do it! Has He told you to lose weight? Do it! You have to obey these commands before He will give you the next. And the next could be a ministry He wants to begin using your special ability He gave you.

We must come to the realization deep down in the hidden places of our hearts that His way is right. His ways are perfect. His ways are meant to bless us, not to harm us. His way leads to Him and that is the commandment.

I love you, Hope. You are my inspiration!

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