
Tidbits and Loose-ends

As you know, my Dad is not doing well. Momma moved to Heaven in March and he wants to be with her. That's only natural since they were married 61 years--way, waaayyy, wwwaaayyy longer than I've been alive--mind you, I'm the youngest of four.

He has bouts of seeming rational thought, but lately those are not too often. My greatest dread was the day he didn't know me and for a second a few days ago, he didn't know who I was. I took a deep breath and said, "Daddy, it's me." then I saw the light of recognition come on. Whew!

We still haven't sold his house, but I'm a busy beaver trying to fix him a place here he can call his own. To be honest, I think Momma may be helping Jesus these days prepare Daddy's place with her--but it's okay. I can't stand watching him suffer. He's miserable and just wants to be with Momma and the Lord.

If you haven't been to see "Evan Almighty" forget what the critics are saying. It was a good movie. It was inspiring and made me cry! I've been praying for years the same prayer as Evan (I won't give it away). On the way home, my sixteen year old said, "Momma, don't look now, but I think two robins are following you home." That's high praise coming from a teen-ager. I asked her why she would say that. She said, "You're just like Noah and Evan Almighty. You would build an ark." I answered in my ehad, "But wouldn't I look silly with a beard." I dunno--maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Vacation BIble School is over. I believe the children had a great time. I did. I wish our church was always as multi-cultural as the VBS. With the exception of an incident or two, I believe God was glorified this week.

If you read this blog, I'm going to ask you to be praying for me. I'm trying to be diligent in obedience to get this book written. I'm almost through. When I begin the editng process, ask God to give me a clear mind about what should stay and what should go all for His glory. I want the cburch to be edified, rebuked a bit, but taught through the words. It is fictional and a thrilling or should I say, a thriller--I hope. It scares me anyway! I get chills when I'm writing.

May the peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, reign in your heart this week as you go about seeking Him in the various places He reveals Himself. Be ready for Him!

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