
Love the Sewer Rats

It's late and I'm tired, but I just wanted to say, "I love Him." I am so in love with my Saviour I can barely contain it. He has saved me from the pit of hell. He has kept me from living an eternity banished from His presence. Me! He knew I am so prone to wander, so prone to sin, but He died on that cross just for me. How can I not love Him?

He loves me and He sees my dark heart, the corners that rarely get swept clean, the places that nearly always fail the white glove tests. How can it be? I scare can take it in. But, His grace doesn't stop there. He loves me, and He blesses me. Why? I've done so little with my life. I've wasted so many years. If I had been Him I would have washed my hands of me long ago, but that's it. I'm not Him. He has given me chance, after chance, after chance to be obedient and follow Him, and Him only.

How, then, could I ever not keep giving someone chance, after chance, after chance? I cannot. It is mandated for me to give the same mercy I was given, to show compassion as I was shown compassion, to forgive as I was forgiven and to love as I have been loved.

Sometimes, some people are harder to love than others. They sabotage the relationships they are in to prove that you really didn't love them in the first place. "See I told you..." They say that a lot. Others do mean, things, turn it around to be your fault and then claim you don't love them. But, if we are to follow Christ's example, we love them all. We are not their saviour and we can't save then from themselves, but we can love them, we can pray for them and we can bend over backwards to show how much God loves them through our own tenacity to hold on to them and not let them drown.

God is the only Being Who has the right and the knowledge to know when someone's heart is too hard for redemption. Humans should never wash their hands of another human being. We may have to sever the physical relationship with them, but they can reamin in our prayers until our last breath.

We sing "Jesus Loves Me," but it is true for everyone. Jesus loves everyone and He is our Leader. He is our Model. He is the only Pattern we should cut our behavior from.

We have been called to love our enemy. Let's do it. Let's love the unlovely. Christ picked us up, putrid, smelly, as dirty as dirty could be and He loves us. He washed us. He clothed us in His righteousness. So go out, Friends, and find a sewer rat and take 'em home, give 'em a bath and shower them with blessings.


Darla said...

You Rock!
I love it! I have felt this way so many times, and even now I am sooo amazed at the Love HE shows and has shown to us. I for one am thrilled that HE doesn't love like us, and pray to love more like HIM. There is something beautiful in each of the unlovelys eyes, that reminds me we are all created in HIS image. Praying that the body is not throwing away the part that is most like HIM. I have met some homeless people that have blessed me! And later wondered if we just entertained angels.

Sorry to be so deep this morning..really just wanted to check in on you! Have a blessed day Princess Jesus Girl!

Remembering who we are, and the task at hang to love, Princess Darla

Darla said...

Jesus is so moving through the blog siestas! Come and see what was stirred in my heart after reading you post this morning. I was thinking of several things that were pulling my attention this morning, and honestly you are totally precious to me...named you in my post today! Love you Princess, princess to princess (P2P)