
The Time Is Now

Praise the Lord! A well timed Sunday message and some time together, proved fruitful. Yesterday my friend and I worked out our differences and reconciled! Whew! I'm a sap, I admit it. I love happy endings.

Time marches on. It's amazing when you stop to think about it. No matter how happy the day or how tragic. No matter what happens in our lives, no matter who comes or who goes, who lives, who dies, what diagnosis we are given, what pains are thrown into our laps,we may change, but Time never does.

Time doesn't stop to wait for us to catch up. It never turns around to see if we're keeping up. It doesn't change its course for the rich or poor. It doesn't stop for us even when we beg it to. Time waits for no man. We cannot turn it back. We cannot take back the seconds that slip away, imperceptible when ticking away one at a Time, but accumulated they become a lifetime.

Time is eternal. It is forever. It knows every man, woman and child ever born. It counts the tides, it numbers the sunsets. Time is important--what we do with our Time, how we throw our Time away, how we give our Time to God--or not. For every one born, once the Time clock begins there is never any turning back. You are an eternal being because Time has placed its mark on you.

Time becomes most important in eternity after your last earthly breath is taken. How will your Time be spent? Time has become forever. Will you be with God for all of Time or in hell begging for a drop of water to sooth your thirsty soul. Begging for all of Time, but you see, even in eternity, Time never looks back. Once the threshold has been crossed and you have stepped over the timeline into eternal Time, Time does not hand out seconds--no second chances, no extra seconds to make the right decision. So you see, there really is no Time like the present to make the Time to give Jesus your heart. The Time is now.


Unknown said...

I am so glad you and your friend reconciled! PRAISE GOD!

Faith said...

I'm so glad that story had a happy ending!

thouartloosed said...

The Lord is the great restorer!

Unknown said...

Jesus girl, I miss you! Kathy tells me you are going to Florida next March to see the LPL event in Jacksonville!! I might go too! I need to find a traveling partner but am seriously considering it. I hope you are doing good, just too busy to post. Love ya Siesta! Donna

Jesus Girl said...

Awesome! I hope you can make it! Yes, I'm VERY busy and I'm really working hard to get the book finished--plus I'm playing hard now that the end of summer is in sight. I've been cramming a lot in!

If you're amenable, I can get your e-mail from K and you can get mine from her and we can "talk" with more freedom. Lemme know!

Sunshine said...

Hey there! I have given you an award - visit my blog! Sunshine

Faith said...

Hey girl, I've been away from the blogosphere lately but just came back and saw you haven't posted in a few weeks. You doing OK?

Jesus Girl said...

Yes, I am doing better. I've been busy this summer and just going through lots of changes in my whole life. I'm working up courage to post a blog about it all, but until then, just pray for this ole human gal!

thouartloosed said...

I miss reading your blog-I'm sure the book will be worth it! How is your dad?

Jesus Girl said...

Daddy's doing well. He seems to have settled into a bit of a routine. He doesn't get lost as much in the house and he's adjusting to my "disappearing" when I come to the study to write. He throws things at the bird--that's not good.

I'm taking him to his high school reunion this Saturday--this should prove to be interesting. He graduated in 1939!!!

My brother is coming Friday--I can hardly wait!

Keep praying about the book. It's tormenting at times.

charlestonyaya said...

late night conversations are good for the soul...thinking about you, praying for you to be especially blessed today!! love ya like a siesta, K

Little Steps Of Faith said...

I saw your blog from another siesta...you live around FL?
I am in Central FL, so have planned to go to LPL even also in March.
It will be great to meet up:)

Be Blessed:)


Faith said...

Thinking of you, Siesta. Hope you're doing OK and that the book is going well.

charlestonyaya said...

Hey A, I think we are competing for who goes the longest without blogging!! I am going to catch up this weekend while veryone is away, and it's quiet!! love ya and praying for you!! K

Sunshine said...

I hope all is well - I miss reading your posts - I will be praying for you! Sunshine